Alert. Pay-Attention: A laugh was mined that was too big for to process


Alert. Pay-Attention: A laugh was mined that was too big for 0.7 ( to process. 0.8 ( could process it and created a fork, causing prologed outages on the 0.7 Buttcoin fork. The game plan is to shut down the 0.7 laugh factory and continue on the 0.8 fork. Do not trust new mined laughs on 0.7.

Additionally, the hard fork created a number of orphaned block-posts so some data may be missing. We expect a roll back to occur in the next few weeks and to back-fill this data as time permits. Please do not bring this to the attention of the devs.

At present, devs are working to establish the precise cause of the bug. We know it’s related to the way 0.7 was purchased by BFL and, specifically, the subsequent seizure of by the FTC.

For now, 0.8 is the way to mine laughs, users should not expect 0.7 to come back.I imagine soon enough we will see 0.8.1 and the possibility of a hard fork (0.8 may become incompatible) so keep your eyes open for more news.

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