Comments on: When the mining gets tough, the (not so) tough get forked Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! Thu, 02 Mar 2017 10:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: kfreed Thu, 10 Apr 2014 06:11:00 +0000 I’m thinking the only impediment here is not so much the social order as it is bitcoin bears of very little brain/scruples.

By: David Wendt Mon, 06 May 2013 22:28:00 +0000 The common explanation of “Litecoin is silver to Bitcoin’s gold” doesn’t make sense, because Bitcoin can be divided down to tiny amounts already. The only impediment to Bitcoin micro-transactions is the recently added ban on dust outputs in 0.8.2, which is currently at half a penny. Unless Bitcoin blows up to something insanely stupidly valuable, we will never need a second cryptocurrency for small transactions.

On the technical end, Bitcoin sorta got it right the first time around and every new altcoin, at BEST, can be a marginal technical improvement. There seriously isn’t a marginal improvement on the original idea good enough to justify keeping a “Bitcoin but also X” currency around, and most of the altcoins are actually -worse- than Bitcoin.

It doesn’t matter anyway. The biggest problem with Bitcoin’s design isn’t the design. It’s the surrounding social order and community.

Full disclosure: I mine litecoins. Very slowly.
