Comments on: History Buttcoin - It's Bitcoins with Butts! Thu, 02 Mar 2017 10:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:33:00 +0000 i can’t stop laughing

By: disqus_QJcTowQaUi Sat, 17 May 2014 19:32:00 +0000 This site is retarded.

By: romad20000 Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:58:00 +0000 SO THAT’S HOW YOU MINE BUTTCOINS!!!! Damn I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time! What was your dinner? Taco Bell?

By: killhamster Tue, 14 Jan 2014 14:28:00 +0000 hi it’s me the guy trying to argue seriously on the butt website

By: Wooxer Pt Tue, 14 Jan 2014 12:15:00 +0000 I haven’t mistaken (my first comment proves that), I’ve only said that if your goal is really to sway people off from Bitcoin (which it may or may not be), then there are a lot of valid concerns about Bitcoin that you can address.

“Also lol at the bitcoin wiki. Yeah I trust those dudes.”
You just basically said that for you to be able to understand if some piece of information is right or wrong you instead of thinking for yourself prefer to decide on the basis of how much you trust the informant… now THAT explains a lot…

By: killhamster Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:29:00 +0000 You seem to have mistaken this site for serious journalism. We use the word “butt” a lot and photoshop bad political cartoons.

Also lol at the bitcoin wiki. Yeah I trust those dudes.

By: Wooxer Pt Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:24:00 +0000 Well, it’s certainly better material than what is written here, but the non-scalability part is kind of a dumb point because he rests the whole theory that bitcoin can’t be a real currency in it and it can, and does, scale….

The blocksize can and will be increased, processing times won’t be largely affected by more people using the currency, but anyway, it’s one minor flaw that is being addressed and it’s certainly a factual one, not a make-believe one.

I know of a better article that talks about the bitcoin flaws, the bicoin wiki itself has very good information about it,

By: Fluxity Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:54:00 +0000 Hi, this is a comedy website. The debate team is down the hall.

If you want an actual breakdown on the fundamental flaws and why bitcoin cannot succeed at it’s intended goal, read the wonderful Bitcoin FAQ written by a friend of the site.

By: Wooxer Pt Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:48:00 +0000 I can’t talk for every bitcoiner but people in general tend to be able to handle constructive criticism a lot better (like, for example, scientific papers from researchers outlining security holes in the bitcoin network) than dumb criticism.

Dumb criticism isn’t valid criticism, it falls more into the category of offending/badmouthing because it’s hard to validly criticize what you know nothing about, which means that your critics are going to be unfounded (most of them) because you don’t have sound information in which to ground them (I’m saying “you” but I refer to everyone for every subject that is criticized with absolutely no knowledge to back it up).

If this site would dedicate itself to exposing the flaws about Bitcoin instead of saying BUBBLE BUTT SHIT PONZY DUMB BLAH BLAH BLAH it would do a much better service to the very people he’s trying to sway off of the Bitcoin ecossytem that what he’s doing now.

He could talk about the inherent lack of verification of account addresses (meaning, if lucky enough somebody can land on the same wallet address as you and take all your money), he could talk about 51% attacks, about sybil attacks, about selfish mining attacks, about blockchain forks, about double spending transactions that passed through the controls, about bitcoins that were deleted, about the blockchain bloating, about wallet hacking, about the deflationary nature of the currency (set amount is mined, people lose them forever. circulating money drops), etc, etc, etc.. But instead it just makes up some stuff about cryptocurrencies and pays for the domain/hosting of this.

P.S. I’m not seeing ads so I can’t say it’s because of the money so I assume it must be because he wants people to steer clear of BItcoin because he thinks of it as a threat, if he thinks that it is a threat and wants people to know it too then it’s his job to prove it (the burden of proof is in those that make the claims, I’d say good luck with that because Cryptocurrencies in that field are strongly backed up by published scientific papers and research) and talk about real problems, not make some half-assed texts that explains nothing and are more dumb and hysteria inducing than they are informative.

By: Anthony J. Alfidi Mon, 06 Jan 2014 22:01:00 +0000 HYIP and Bitcoin combined take fraud to a brand new level of stupidity. Crypto-currency and super-scams will destroy each other.
